My Expertise
As an Intercultural Communication Professor, Negotiation Expert, an experienced speaker, trainer, and author
I am currently leading several business organizations with utmost amazing communication skills, committed to giving each client the time and attention he or she wants and deserves.
As an experienced individual in management consulting, will help you sort out business management issues. My expertise portray the vital tactics and game changer techniques which are needed to flourish your business. Feel free to reach out to me.
Let Alex handle the management revolution.
Holding more than 20 years of experience in various business engagements and transactions as a negotiator, investor, and consultant, my expertise go beyond in facilitation. All business require negotiation and facilitation and one point, and through the systems thinking approach, Let Alex do the work for you.
Feel free to reach out to me.
With my utmost expertise I lead intercultural and intellectual consultations which include conflict and performance consulting and coaching up to the mark. whether it involves problem solving, mind maping, shaping personalities, and getting to the core of human empathy through design thinking in business. Lets think positive! Innovate your business the Alex way!
Feel free to reach out to me
Profound strategies in project management
Holding 20 years of experiene as a project management consultant, I believe to follow specific strategies which should be an utmost priority for future endeavors in business.
My project management consultations hold a strategical road map to every problem. It’s not just solving; it’s about adding value and quality respectively. My consultation and negotiation services are what you exactly need at the most crucial points, when it comes to managing a business project like a pro.
Human psychology has always been a mystery to the unknown.
I have gained several years of experience in studying, visualizing, and interperating human psychology. My leading expertise provides best of the best believeing that it is always the mind game that is a revolving mystery difficult to grasp and is substantial to have extensive knowlege in gaining an edge in negotiations and improve personal relationships by reading and accurately interpreting body language. I’ll take you through different vital pathways to discover the nonverbal clues that can tell you what a person really means—and if they may be lying! Combining this knowledge with my negotiation tactics will make you the master of any situation.
Creating Wonders
Leading my way I have conducted and am currently conducting many training sessions for organizations on subjects as diverse as dispute resolution in the workplace, discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and leadership in the workplace.
My premium consultation services give you the opportunity to interact with coaches, individual managers, and executives on leadership and communication issues. Being an utmost intellectual individual, I hold extensive experience in applying the principles of neuro-linguistic programming, other communications technologies, and social psychology to individual and organizational communication.
A master at all levels!
Successful clients
in 25 years.

Sucessful Clients
Alex’s clients – PRIORITY
Loyalty towards the clients!
Not to end here, I strictly value my time and expert quality when it comes to my client’s benefits. Without a doubt, my global presence is admired globally due to the utmost dedication towards my clients. You will always find me with a personality that spreads positivity.
Business Plan Consultant?
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